Top Powerful Countries Of The World

Top 5 Powerful countries 

1.United states.
The US possesses a fleet of ten aircraft carriers, which is its most significant conventional military advantage. Furthermore, the US has a large and well-trained human force, the most aircraft in the world, cutting-edge technology such as the Navy's new rail gun, and, of course, the world's largest nuclear arsenal.
According to Global Firepower statistics, Russia has the most tanks in the world: 12,950, more than double the number of tanks owned by the United States. On land, about 1 million active people are in command of 27,038 armoured vehicles, 6,083 self-propelled artillery groups, and 3,860 rocket projectors. Russia's defence budget is estimated to be $48 billion.
In terms of overall manpower, it has the world's largest military. It also has the world's second-largest tank and submarine fleets, after only Russia and the United States. China's military modernization initiatives have also made tremendous progress in recent years; ballistic missiles and fifth-generation aircraft are now being developed, which might transform the face of armed combat in the near future.
India has an estimated 1,444,000 active military troops. They have a long-standing territorial dispute with Pakistan over Kashmir. According to Global Firepower, the country boasts the world's most tanks (4,292), towed artillery (4,060), and fighter aircraft (538). This year, India's military budget is estimated to be over $61 billion.
It is believed it has the fourth-largest submarine fleet in the world. Japan's navy also has four aircraft carriers, however, they are only equipped with helicopters. Japan also has the world's fourth-largest fleet of attack helicopters, after only China, Russia, and the United States.


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