Joint military Exercises

 Joint Military Exercises of the Indian Army



On 8th February the Yudh Abhyan exercise which is an Indo-US joint military exercise held in Rajasthan.
India is playing an enormous interest in establishing a relationship with various countries around the globe. Integration of the military exercises is an unavoidable obligation for the contemporary combat zone. The joint military is essential for the cooperation of countries apart from economic cooperation and the prevailing hard situation.
The absence of cooperation in the military field in the Indian armed forces received a motivation post-Kargil. The most significant benefit of joint military exercises is ‘strategic signalling’.


The Indian military exercises can be segregated into 3 categories: 

1.domestic exercise

          2.Bilateral exercise

          3.Multilateral exercise

         Domestic exercise – This exercise aims to improve internal engagements and there can be inter-                   services or intra-services depending on nature and its application. 

         List of military domestic exercises:

  1. Gandiv Vijay
  2. Paschim Lehar
  3. Vayu Shakti
  4. Vijay Prahar

       Bilateral exercise – These exercises are conducted between two countries.


        Multilateral exercise – These exercises are conducted by the military including more than one partner            nation.
        1.RIMPAC : Number of participating Countries are 26.
        2.MALABAR: Number of participating Countries are 3.
        3.COBRA-GOLD: Number of participating Countries are ASIA-PACIFIC COUNTRIES.
        4.SAMVEDNA: Number of participating Countries are SOUTH ASIAN REGION NATIONS.

